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Guide on How to Write a Reflective Essay


Reflective essays are a common assignment given to high school and college students. The essays allow the writer to take a break from their routine, reflect on something they have been doing for an extended period, and then share what they learned with others. In a reflective essay, the writer will spend time thinking about what they have been doing and how it has changed them as a person. They may also think critically, trying to understand why their experience made such an impact on them. If you are looking to write a reflective essay, this is the right article for you.


Choose a Topic

The first step in writing a reflective essay is to choose a topic. The writer should think about something they have been doing for an extended period, whether it is a job, hobby, or class. Once they choose a topic, the writer can begin brainstorming ideas on how their experience changed them as a person. It is essential to select an interesting topic if you consider reaching out to custom essay writing services. The custom essay should be about something you have been thinking about for a while, not something you randomly choose. It will help ensure that the paper is well-written and provides insights into the writer’s experience. As you select a topic, remember that a reflective essay is not just a recap of what happened. It should focus on how the experience changed you as a person.


Thesis Statement

Once you pick a topic, it is vital to develop a thesis statement. A thesis statement is a sentence or two that states the essay’s main idea. It should be specific. For example, a thesis statement could be, “The writer’s experience working at their school store has helped them understand the importance of customer service and time management.” This example is too broad because it does not provide any information about how this job changed you as a person or why it was necessary.

 A more specific thesis sentence would be, “The writer’s experience working at their school store has taught them the importance of customer service, time management, and teamwork.” This sentence provides specific information about how the job changed you as a person and why it was necessary.

It is essential to avoid using a thesis statement that sounds like a question or includes “in my opinion”. It will only make the essay sound less confident and reflect poorly on your writing skills. A thesis statement needs to explain why the writer thinks their experience was necessary. One can choose to figure out what to write here or seek the best legitimate writing service available. The writing service providers should provide you with a thesis statement, not be too broad or narrow, as it will influence what information is in your essay.



Create a Mind Map

The writer can begin brainstorming ideas on the structure of their essay after working on the thesis statement. A great way to organize your thoughts is to create a mind map. A mind map is a diagram that allows you to manage your thoughts visually. It consists of a central idea with bubbles that contain smaller ideas related to the main idea. Each bubble can branch out into smaller concepts, creating a tree-like structure. This mapping allows the writer to see how each thought is related to their main topic or thesis statement. There are multiple ways to create a mind map, depending on the software or device you use. 


Free-write the essay


Freewriting means writing without stopping for a set amount of time, usually about twenty minutes. Just let your thoughts flow, and don’t worry about grammar or spelling. Don’t censor yourself – write what comes to mind. Freewriting is a great way to get your ideas on paper and generate lots of content. Once the writer has filled up their page, they can go back over what they’ve written and use it as an outline for their essay. It may be helpful to create sub-headings within each main idea so that you know where to focus your attention. When freewriting, don’t worry about making your essay perfect. Just get your thoughts down on paper. Freewriting helps writers stay focused and cover all the essential points.

Freewriting is a fantastic tool that helps writers organize their thoughts, stay focused on the topic at hand, and cover all essential points in their writing. Free-writing can also be a great way to develop new ideas about a given topic. It allows the writer to let their thoughts flow freely and generate lots of content. It can also be helpful if they are having trouble starting an essay or staying focused.


Structure Your Essay

Now that the writer has all their thoughts on paper, it’s time to structure their essay. It means deciding what order to present the information in and how to connect each paragraph. The easiest way to do this is by using a simple sentence starter. These sentence starters are great ways to introduce different ideas related to your topic and show how they relate to each other.  The writer can use these sentence starters to transition from one idea to the next. They give a smooth flow and help readers understand how each paragraph relates. Such sentences include; Another way, you can also, etc. Remember to include the conclusion of the essay. The final section should highlight the main point in a summary form. The conclusion helps readers remember what they read. Remember to keep the conclusion short and to the end. 



Proofread Your Work

Proofread your essay to make sure there are no grammar or spelling mistakes. It’s best to let someone else read it as well, so they can point out any parts that need more clarification. Once the reader is satisfied with what you have written, feel free to share! You might be surprised at how many people want to read your work. You can also choose to join an online writing group and have them read your essay. The opinion from such groups helps correct mistakes and improve your writing


Reflective essays are a great way to show what you have learned from a particular experience. They require in-depth analysis, proofreading skills, creativity, and lots of dedication. This essay should inspire you to write your reflective essay. Remember to ask for professional help if you get stuck.


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