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20+ Example Sentences in the Present Perfect Tense

Here you can find positive, negative and interrogative example sentences in Present Perfect Tense. The present perfect tense is a verb tense used to describe an action that started in the past and continues to the present, or a past action that has relevance to the present. It is formed by combining the present tense of the verb “to have” with the past participle of the main verb.

For example, “I have lived in this city for 10 years.” The present perfect tense is used to talk about a past experience or action that has a connection to the present. It is also used to describe an action that started in the past and continues up to the present time, without specifying when it ended. The present perfect tense is often used with time expressions such as “already,” “yet,” “just,” “since,” “for,” etc.

Example Sentences in the Present Perfect Tense

Here are 25 sentences in the present perfect tense:

1. I have read three books this week.
2. She has been to Paris twice.
3. They have finished their project on time.
4. He has learned to play the piano.
5. We have lived in this house for 10 years.
6. You have not seen that movie yet.
7. The flowers have bloomed in the garden.
8. I have just finished my work for the day.
9. Have you decided where to spend your holiday?
10. He has traveled to several countries.


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11. The company has expanded its operations.
12. We have invited all our friends to the party.
13. You have made a lot of progress in your studies.
14. They have completed their research on the topic.
15. Have you been naughty or nice this year?
16. She has learned to speak Turkish fluently.
17. He has already eaten his lunch.
18. The team has won several awards.
19. We have been friends since we were kids.
20. You have not received any emails yet.
21. They have been in Chicago for 10 years.
22. I have visited my grandparents several times this year.
23. She has not finished her homework yet.
24. He has lived in this city for 20 years.
25. We have not gone on a vacation for a long time.


Positive Sentences in Present Perfect Tense

I have visited many countries around the world.
They have completed their assignments for the semester.
She has learned to play the piano.
We have seen that movie before.
The team has won three consecutive matches.
He has lived in this city for five years.
I have read that book already.
They have traveled to Europe several times.
She has achieved her career goals.
The company has developed innovative technologies.


Negative Sentences in Present Perfect Tense

I have not visited that museum yet.
They have not finished the construction project.
She has not met the new neighbors.
We have not tried that restaurant.
The team has not lost a game this season.
He has not taken a vacation in years.
I have not seen the latest episode of the TV series.
They have not explored the national park.
She has not received the package.
The company has not launched the new product.


Interrogative Sentences in Present Perfect Tense

Have you ever traveled abroad?
Have they completed the training program?
Has she visited the Grand Canyon?
Have we been to that museum before?
Has the team won any championships?
Has he lived in different countries?
Have you read the latest bestseller?
Have they traveled to Asia?
Has she achieved her personal goals?
Has the company developed new software?

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