Learning the English Alphabet and Numbers (Free PDF)
Learning the English alphabet and numbers is essential for understanding and using the English language. Whether you’re a young learner just starting to explore language or an adult seeking to enhance your language skills, learning the English alphabet and numbers is essential.
In this article, we’ll take you through the basics of the English alphabet and numbers, complete with examples, and provide a handy printable PDF that you can use for teaching and learning.
The English Alphabet
The English alphabet consists of 26 letters, each with its own unique sound and role in constructing words. Here’s list of the English alphabet along with examples of words for each letter:
Letter | Example Word | Pronunciation |
A | Apple | /ˈæpəl/ |
B | Bicycle | /ˈbaɪsɪkl̩/ |
C | Cat | /kæt/ |
D | Dog | /dɒɡ/ |
E | Elephant | /ˈɛlɪfənt/ |
F | Flower | /ˈflaʊər/ |
G | Grapes | /ɡreɪps/ |
H | House | /haʊs/ |
I | Ice Cream | /aɪs kriːm/ |
J | Jellyfish | /ˈdʒɛlɪfɪʃ/ |
K | Kite | /kaɪt/ |
L | Lion | /ˈlaɪən/ |
M | Moon | /muːn/ |
N | Notebook | /ˈnʊt.bʊk/ |
O | Orange | /ˈɔːrɪndʒ/ |
P | Penguin | /ˈpɛŋɡwɪn/ |
Q | Queen | /kwiːn/ |
R | Rainbow | /ˈreɪnboʊ/ |
S | Sun | /sʌn/ |
T | Tree | /triː/ |
U | Umbrella | /ʌmˈbrɛlə/ |
V | Violin | /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/ |
W | Whale | /weɪl/ |
X | Xylophone | /ˈzaɪləfoʊn/ |
Y | Yacht | /jɒt/ |
Z | Zebra | /ˈzɛbrə/ |
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Numbers in English
Numbers are an essential part of everyday life and communication. They help us quantify, measure, and describe the world around us. Here’s a list of the cardinal numbers from 1 to 10:
Number | Word | Pronunciation |
1 | One | /wʌn/ |
2 | Two | /tuː/ |
3 | Three | /θriː/ |
4 | Four | /fɔːr/ |
5 | Five | /faɪv/ |
6 | Six | /sɪks/ |
7 | Seven | /ˈsɛv.ən/ |
8 | Eight | /eɪt/ |
9 | Nine | /naɪn/ |
10 | Ten | /tɛn/ |
Enhance Your Learning with a Free Printable PDF!
To support your language learning journey, we’ve prepared a free printable PDF containing the English alphabet and numbers.
This resource is perfect for classroom settings, homeschooling, or simply practicing language skills at home. You can download and print the PDF, pin it on your wall, or use it in your classroom activities.
A-Z English Alphabet and Numbers PDF – download
A-Z English Alphabet with Words PDF – download