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English Prefixes with Meaning and Examples (PDF)

A prefix is a part added at the beginning of a word to change its meaning.

For example, think of the word “kind” as a starting word. If we put “un” in front of it, we get “unkind”, which means not kind.

Remember that the part at the beginning of a word is called a prefix. When we use a prefix, it changes the meaning of the word.

Here are some common prefixes in English and what they do.

disnotdisappear, displace, disallow,dislike
unoppositeunable, unhappy, undo, undress
hyperabovehyperactive, hyperspace, hypersensitive
ento put intoencrypt, enable, enlighten, enlarge
anti-againstantifreeze, antisocial, antidepressant, anticipate
bitwobinoculars, bicycle, bisexual
postafterpostmodern, postpone, posterity
microsmallmicroscope, microfilm, microbiology
cowithco-worker, co-operation, co-pilot, coexist
superabovesupernova, supernatural, superstar, supervise
subundersubmerge, submarine,subscribe, subtitle
defromdebug, defrost, depart, deport
semihalfsemicircle, semiconscious, semi-final
emcause toembrace, embed, empower, embody
unioneunicycle, unilateral, universal, uniform
forebeforeforesee, foreword, forecast
nonnotnonsense, non-stop, nonverbal
trithreetriangle, trilogy, tripod, trio
prebeforeprefix, preview, premade, preload
monoonemonotone, monolithic, monopoly
extramore thanextracurricular, extraordinary
thermheatthermometer, thermostat
circumaroundcircumstance, circumvent
transacrosstransatlantic, transfer, transcribe
miswrongmisinform, mislead, misfit, mishear
midmiddlemidlife, midway, midnight, mid-west
innotinvalid, invisible, incapable, insane, inhuman
omniallomnibus, omnipotent, omnivore
inter-, intrabetweeninteract, intergalactic, intermediate
im withoutimpossible, immature, implant, improve
homosamehomophone, homoplastic
macrolargemacroeconomics, macrofossil
parabesideparanormal, paradox, paramedic
infrabelowinfrastructure, infrasonic, infrared
probeforeproactive, profess, produce
reagainrecall, recycle, recover, redo, reaction
malbadmalfunction, malicious
percompletelypercent, perfect, percussion
exout ofex-center, ex-husband, exclusive


Most Common Prefixes

Common English Prefixes


Prefixes with Verb, Adjectives & Nouns PDF

Prefixes List PDF – (download)
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