Vocabulary Books For English Learners (PDF)
New words being added almost everyday to the vocabulary of English language. English learners are looking for a way to improve their vocabulary. These free English vocabulary books will help you to learn new words and how to use them.
Did you know with 3,000 words you can understand 90% of daily English conversations, most of English magazines and newspaper articles? It’s crucial to learn right English vocabulary words and don’t waste your time trying learn thousands of words with very little benefit.
These free vocabulary books will help you to learn right essential English words. You can use these books either in your school or for self-study. Additional to these books, you may want to carry an English-English dictionary for foreign learners.
Our dictionary suggestions:
-The Cambridge International Dictionary of English
-The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
-The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
-Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary
You can also use a good bilingual dictionary.

Each unit of English for Everyone: English Vocabulary Builder consists of a teaching spread and a practice spread. Teaching spreads give you an illustrated vocabulary list on a particular topic. Practice spreads include a variety of exercises to reinforce what you have learned. If you have difficulty understanding a word or phrase, look it up in your dictionary or the word list at the back of this book.
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You can learn many new English words in categories such as Personal information, Family members, The World, Everyday activities, Classroom activities, Countries and nationalities, House, Bedroom, Kitchen, Fruits, Vegetables, Units of measure, Colors, Clothing, Money, Body, Medicine, The Bank, The school, Occupations, Word activities, The office, The Car, The Airport, The weather and seasons, The beach, Animals and pets, Measurements, The universe and space vocabulary…
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This book contains 30 units to help you learn and practise important vocabulary for elementary level.
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Short cut to learn many new words. This English opposite words, antonyms A-Z list book will help you to learn essential words.
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In this worksheet you will find 100 most commonly used verbs, adjectives, nouns, prepositions, adverbs.
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